Odis 5.1.6 and 9.2.2 for VAS5054A VMWare Image
Odis-S 5.1.6 and Odis-E 9.2.2 on VMWare image preset for vas5054a Chinese clone.
Now you can use your vas5054a interface on Win XP, 8, 10 or any other operating system.
It’s preset in the way so it will never expire and how to use it this way instructions are included. Projects are added only in ISO format and can be loaded to the image if needed.
You will need to change screen resolution depending on your laptop or pc screen size. Please remember, most of the settings can be changed in the images. You can increase or decrease RAM, video memory, processors, add or remove usb and com ports and much more.
Requirements for optimal use:
Dual core processor
4 gb ram
100gb hadd
512mb video memory
Minimum requirements:
Single core pc4 processor
2gb ram
65gb hdd
256mb video memory
For minimum requirements image performance settings will have to be decreased manually!
Can be run on any operating software, Windows, MAC and Linux
If needed, change VM image date to the one you need and it will work indefinitely!
Vas5054a interface drivers are installed, but interface connection configuration has to be performed just like on any ordinary pc.
Make sure your pc and Bluetooth is in good working order or the image will not perform well.
ZIP File: 38.9 GB
Odis 5.1.6 and 9.2.2 for VAS5054A VMWare Image
Odis-S 5.1.6 and Odis-E 9.2.2 on VMWare image preset for vas5054a Chinese clone.
Now you can use your vas5054a interface on Win XP, 8, 10 or any other operating system.
It’s preset in the way so it will never expire and how to use it this way instructions are included. Projects are added only in ISO format and can be loaded to the image if needed.
You will need to change screen resolution depending on your laptop or pc screen size. Please remember, most of the settings can be changed in the images. You can increase or decrease RAM, video memory, processors, add or remove usb and com ports and much more.
Requirements for optimal use:
Dual core processor
4 gb ram
100gb hadd
512mb video memory
Minimum requirements:
Single core pc4 processor
2gb ram
65gb hdd
256mb video memory
For minimum requirements image performance settings will have to be decreased manually!
Can be run on any operating software, Windows, MAC and Linux
If needed, change VM image date to the one you need and it will work indefinitely!
Vas5054a interface drivers are installed, but interface connection configuration has to be performed just like on any ordinary pc.
Make sure your pc and Bluetooth is in good working order or the image will not perform well.
ZIP File: 38.9 GB